
i wanna go back to 2013 where everything was so simple *sobs*


real (i was only 7)


Grieving over someone's death is the hardest thing I've ever done. I don't know if I'll get past this, honestly. It hasn't even been a month yet but it feels like it's been so long.
          I hope you guys are all doing well this 2023. =]


@kylo_ren32 *hugs with consent* ((:


@punklouisgf thank you so much. You're the best


I’m so sorry love :( 


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holy shit my wallet is drained but im gonna see harry on march!!! I'M SO HAPPY, MY 11 YEAR OLD SELF HAS WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS


so awesome! have fun!!


my own mom slut-shamed me last night just because i posted mirror selfies of myself in a bikini lmao


@kylo_ren32 yeah, it really is. thank u :'))) im kinda used to it honestly. no surprise there, given what kind of person she actually is


i’m sorry, that’s so messed up :/


@stylesfrog a lot of people post pictures in bikinis, so in my opinion she did it unnecessarily. I understand if you showed way too much of your body, but she was once a teenager who did all kinds of things, maybe took pictures that her parents thought were also inappropriate, or dressed things that her parents thought were inappropriate for her age. trust me. showing the body in a bikini is nothing compared to what Polish teenagers can do. they can enter clubs, drink alcohol there.


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i never understood those readers of duplicity who called aven "dramatic" for acting the way she did when she learned how much harry hid from her. like bro, he literally fucking lied to her and was GOING to manipulate her, of course she's gonna be upset.
          the worst part is, i also got lied to and manipulated at and i only found out like 2 days ago. i couldn't stop crying last night LMAOOO i can't believe i just had a wattpad moment. it was so unreal to me that a fictional character could exist irl. i don't know how to move forward from this, im so conflicted. i know that i should never see him again but my feelings are just too strong, yk. god i hate myself haha. i did nothing but give empathy and compassion to this guy, yet it was so easy for him to play with my feelings all those months ago. he said he ignored me for a month and two weeks (separate times) so i could like him ??? like bro- i already fucking like you, why would you do that to me? you ghosting me for a month was absolute mental TORTURE. i started questioning myself and i keep thinking what i did wrong. turns out, it wasn't me who was the problem; i didn't do anything wrong. you're the fucking problem, you're the fucking asshole. god fuck, i'm so hurt idfk what to do at this point.


@jason_pigboy oh my, thank you so much ))): i needed this pep talk. he came back to my life again, i accepted him, and now im thinking if he's really worth it. i should probably just let him go. someone will appreciate me wholly one day.


i had a situation like this too and i know how much it hurts when you care so much about someone and find out about something like this, but don’t hold on to it just because he has some good in him or he treats you well cause the truth is he doesn’t, you definitely deserve better if you are capable of giving so much empathy to someone that would rather ghost you and it’s not your fault 


@potatodirectioner280 you are so sweet ily ))): thank you so much.


it's supposed to be fun, turning 21
          ew im old