
Hello again! I've got so much stuff going on with school and I'm preparing for the SAT and Act and on top I'm already taking college courses so I'm a bit busy. I rarely have time to even eat sometimes so I'm not sure if i should put the book on hold for the moment. It might be awhile till the next chapter. GOSH i feel so bad. I feel like I'm just leaving everyone hanging and i hate that. Try and stay with me. If not i understand. xx a


Hello again! I've got so much stuff going on with school and I'm preparing for the SAT and Act and on top I'm already taking college courses so I'm a bit busy. I rarely have time to even eat sometimes so I'm not sure if i should put the book on hold for the moment. It might be awhile till the next chapter. GOSH i feel so bad. I feel like I'm just leaving everyone hanging and i hate that. Try and stay with me. If not i understand. xx a


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To those from the future welcome to my past. Im high at the moment... i had my wisdom teeth removed and I'm on pain medicine and i decided that when this profile gets bigger and i get more followers why the fuck not put something up when i only have one follower? Besides i like talking to myself and all... I could be writing a next chapter but I'm afraid while being doped up that ill screw up the plot line I'm going for. I really hope that one day ill have fans that love Please Love Us. I think its a good story line. Granted i don't post often because I'm a pretty busy person getting ready to start college and preparing for the SAT and the ACT and all. Also finding the time to sit and write. As a person I get tired very easily and i tend to sleep all day but my lovely sister B tries to keep me motivated. I really hope those who decided to stalk me stalk me cause why the hell not. OKAY i probably really need to get off here before i go and start ranting about rainbow and unicorns shitting sparkles. Next update hopefully within a month xD. I really don`t know. and sometimes it sucks. All the love... xx A


Hello everyone. If your reading this than welcome. You've made it down to the bottom of our page. I wrote this when we started out with no followers and all. The account is TWO days old WHOOOO! Me and B are just starting this and hopefully it goes well. I look forward to seeing Please Love Us grow in reads and comments and votes. Don`t hesitate to comment and vote. We love the support