

@ stylo-tompo22  itu apa.. Artinya apa.... Gimna cara mainnya



@ stylo-tompo22  itu apa.. Artinya apa.... Gimna cara mainnya


Got tagged by @AuburnWinter
          i. answer q's given + facts
          ii. tag 12 people
          iii. include some more questions
          iv. no refusals
          v. must be done within one week
          vi. unique title
          fave singer?
          idk, i mostly hearing EDM, but Coldplay and The Corrs are my all time favorite
          fave food?
          so hard to answer ... snack kulit babi, sirloin steak, chicken snitzel, beef bowl, and anything free :)
          fave colour?
          Biru, hitam, putih, kuning, dan merah
          reading or writing?
          writing, karena ga punya cukup waktu buat reading, kecuali kalau ada yang bener bener memikat hati
          fave book on wp?
          Marka Yang Enggan Bicara @fingermonster
          Venus Anadomyne @BloodyChopper
          TRS (3) - Mika On Fire @wulanfadi
          fave author on wp?
          so far, @BloodyChopper and @Heterochromer (she is write bxb but its awesomely funny)
          currently reading? (not on wp)
          Sword Art Online  by Reki Kawahara
          want read so badly
          My own book of course! ah, and also 'Dunia Sophie' by Jostein Gaarder
          sleeping in or staying up late?
          sleeping early is for pussy, so i staying up late :p
          do you love zoe, or do you love zoe?
          lol, love is just a chemical reaction for me, so i didnt care mcuh, but its feels to real to be just an illusion by brain
          describe youself in three adjective, one noun
          a : Anti-mainstream, hiperaktif, open-minded
          n : stylo (pena)
          three facts of yourself:
          - dibenci mayoritas orang karena sikap aktif
          - talk eanglish to me, im fluent :)
          - the more you know me, the more darker i have
          current favourite song?
          EDM, Jensation - Spring Vibes, Our Psych - Dont Go, and so many more, i cant mention all of it :/
          fave movie(s) so far:
          5 cm per Second (watch it, and you will cry!)
          -fave TV series so far
          Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, (Anime technically is a TV series okay .... and i dont have any option, i didnt watch TV)
          fave book(s) so far:
          Dunia Cecilia - Jostein Gaarder
          Sword Art Online - Reki Kawahara
          im not reaing many books, so dont blame me with my option ....
          Sorry yang yang di tag, just for fun
          *tag on next post


@ stylo-tompo22  saya gak tau artinya... :'(
            Tega sekali kamu kak, kak...


emang XD, dan dunia cecilia juga dibellin hetero XD


@ stylo-tompo22  dunia sophie, aku juga mau baca itu, tapi gak punya bukunya. Mahal T^T


haloo, boleh vote ceritaku? cukup vote aja kalau malas baca hehe


@yasuxx wah ceritaku blm rapi ya? maaf kak aku baru pertama buat cerita soalnya. kurang rapi bagaimana maksudnya? alur nya aneh apa EYD nya banyak yang salah? hehe


@yasuxx setelah kau merapihkannya :)