
Attention everyone if any of you watched the reboot called Wizards beyond Waverly Place, i want to know if i should do a crossover with it. and if so, Which TV show should I do across server with? let me know. I want to hear your thought, and ideas for the plots. Thanks Ooh and if you want it to be a time travel crossover i would happily do a Wizards Beyond Waverly place, travels to the past to were Justinand Alex were teenagers in the original series.


Attention everyone if any of you watched the reboot called Wizards beyond Waverly Place, i want to know if i should do a crossover with it. and if so, Which TV show should I do across server with? let me know. I want to hear your thought, and ideas for the plots. Thanks Ooh and if you want it to be a time travel crossover i would happily do a Wizards Beyond Waverly place, travels to the past to were Justinand Alex were teenagers in the original series.


Attention everyone, i am having trouble with two of my crossover stroies on both @disney-Cat and @suarez251 
          the first stroy I need ideas for is called PJ masks meets Danny Phantom, and the second is called Danny Phantom meets Ben 10 please give me great ideas thanks everybody! 


@suarez251 and for Ben 10 maybe Ben 10 watch got tamered with and unleashed some dealy aliens and In the same process unleashing Danny phantom too


@suarez251 maybe Romeo made a device that can bring anyone dead back to life he brought a evil villian back to life and also Danny phantom then he might go to the PJ masks power heroes HQ and team up with them so maybe Romeo and the evil villian might be planning to take over Tarabiscoville changing all to ghost so what do you think? My friend 


Hey I was wondering if you could check out @lovxly_xrtist applyfic


Happy Valentine's Day!


@zhall2030 Hey, cutie happy Valentine's Day!


Your welcome even if I  end up in the background or not in the story at all I am happy to help out


And I really like your own version of PJ masks and Thundermans crossover it's honestly awesome and for @catfantom360,his my twin brother he lives with our dad in los Angeles and I live in Mexico with my mum so we keep in touch with each other trough Wattpad and he told me "I really like the version of the Thundermans and PJ masks crossover and write more parts please" that was what my twin bro @catfantom360 told me to tell you trough Wattpad and remember I am @bosscat this is just my new second Wattpad account so don't get confused.