About Craig’s and lui’s allegations.
So because of recent events I would like to put out a few things, I have deleted all my drafts of stories encluding lui and Craig, if not deleted they have been removed from the storie.
This doesn’t go for the published stories though, the reasons for this is because I love to look back and see how much I’ve improved as a writer and how my grammar has graciously decided to, you know, not suck.
Another reason is because the stories I wrote are not focused just on lui or Craig, it’s the whole gang (as scarce as it’s getting).
From what I’ve seen on twitter, Craig has apologised but that absolutely does not mean he is excused for his actions. I’m glad he decided to seek professional help, to me though it seems it hasn’t done it’s full job, if Craig wants to get better he needs to fully devote himself to getting better. What he did to those young girls is sickening and now that I’ve heard about Sami being in a very unstable relationship with Craig it seems like he’s falling back on toxic ways. No he didn’t force her to do anything but he was described as “toxic” and “manipulative” in a tweet of Sami’s.
(He may be seeking professional help but he sees therapy as a judge who says who’s crazy and who’s not, that’s it, that’s how he sees professionals who have studied for years for that job)
Craig clearly has had a bad mind set, depression and issues previously before dating these girls but still, just because he’s suffered/suffering doesn’t mean these girls should of too.
I’m not trying to stand up for Craig but we should really look into where he was at the time, in America(legal age is 18) or England (legal age is 16) I believe all girls were over 16 so if it was in England then it’s allowed in the eyes of the law.
I hope those victims get peace of mind knowing others are now aware of Craig.