It’s been awhile hasn’t it? I hope everyone is doing well, especially in a time like this. And I have something BIG to announce, I’m officially married!!! Actually before the whole COVID-19 situation had really began to grow, my husband and I thought of getting our certificate before holding the ceremony, which happened around December 12th, 2019. Also I’m kinda back? My creative has been rusty so wish me luck haha

@KravingTrash lolll, ma petite sœur surprise! But hmm, I mean it depends I am not yet fully confident in my writing ability, I can’t believe the embarrassing writing I posted. I have to definitely rewrite them before even bothering writing something new

revenez-vous vraiment? j'espère que vous pourrez! Vos travaux récents se sont tellement améliorés, merci de partager à quel point vous vous êtes bien