
Chapter 26 of Adrenaline is up if you haven’t seen it already! Enjoy


I NEED to know what happens in Adrenaline, PLEASE update! It is sooooo good, I've re-read the entire story at least 30 times, and I still am worried about (Y/N) and the white haired chick that was in a LOT of pain(who could've sold us out, but didnt, thankfully, and might also be Dawn) not to mention the curiosity behind Evan and Dawn. I mean, is Dawn(who I believe to be the white haired lady) going to forgive him for not believing her, IF she's even alive!!!
          So I BEG OF YOU, PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE update, please!!!


That is such suchhh a nice message!! Thank you so much :) i really hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter and im sorry for the wait 