
Hi guys! So I know how boring these messages can be, therefore, I'll keep it short. I'm working on the next chapter of Train in the Clouds and realized that my talking-while-laughing is really awkward and hard to read. So I'm sorry about that. That's all I wanted to say. The next chapter will be out soon! Thank you guys so much!


Hi guys! So I know how boring these messages can be, therefore, I'll keep it short. I'm working on the next chapter of Train in the Clouds and realized that my talking-while-laughing is really awkward and hard to read. So I'm sorry about that. That's all I wanted to say. The next chapter will be out soon! Thank you guys so much!


Ignore my last comment. I re-read chapter 13 part 2... That would've been cruel and unusual punishment. It was hard for me to leave it at that. So I am correctly working on chapter 14 and I t should be ready soon!!


HULLO!! Followers!! So if any of you were looking forward to the next cheater of train in the clouds. I am very sorry to say I can't continue with it. I might rewrite it in the future. But I realize now that I wrote it without knowing how it was going to end. So unfortunately I got too excited about what happens on the train and I can't figure out how I'm going to end it. Feel free to unfollow me if you like. 
          Once again I'm soooo sorry!!! I was never good at ending stories and to be honest I'm kind of a sucky writer to begin with. Hope you guys can forgive me. Thank you