so- i got bored and ended up making two oisuga playlists the other day. so yeah, i'ma drop these off if you guys want to look at them. if you have any songs to add to them, feel free to message me about it or comment. i might make more suga ship playlists, this was fun to do. and i might post them, if you guys want of course. falling in love ; oisuga https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7EwyTnBV1QqVPB2wdnKwDH?si=oM1uawUtQgu6u8VjsdVhDw&dl_branch=1 breaking up ; oisuga https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3khLpHNmvjtMJ2KrMLrKt0?si=UJYRdj7rQyeSNQLF0nKGKw&dl_branch=1