
Following a brief dip into the pool of fluff that is my HiStories book, I return once again to the quaint town of Milton and the drama therein.  
          	Next chapter is out.


Ohh I missed the notification about the short story!! Thank you for both!!!


Following a brief dip into the pool of fluff that is my HiStories book, I return once again to the quaint town of Milton and the drama therein.  
          Next chapter is out.


Ohh I missed the notification about the short story!! Thank you for both!!!


Hello friends.  This last week in the United States has been ... a lot.  I'm guessing most people who read this kind of content are not in favor of our next president elect, so I'll say that I'm ... well, basically horrified.  Baffled.  And very very apprehensive (afraid) of what our future holds, as a country, but also on a larger global stage.
          And with that cheery message, hope a new chapter of Milton will prove a distraction.


@sugainmytee  I always try to look on the bright side. Where there's a dark day there's always ALWAYS! Light at the end of the tunnel. ❤️


@chrysty13 It was one of the most profound and horribly disturbing few hours of my life.  Watching as votes were tallied and seeing the vast numbers supporting him.  It's not the country I thought it was.  


@sugainmytee  In Europe the majority of people is horrified by the results. I don't understand anymore America and Americans. We are all very worried. I wish America a lot of courage . My heart is with you