
You have some unusual racial theories!


@Emmaloveswine Good evening from my peaceful life, where I don’t waste time arguing with arrogant, self-absorbed strangers on the internet.  Hope Andalusia treats you well—maybe take a walk, touch some grass, and reflect on why you feel the need to flex geography in a Wattpad comment section. Anyway, this convo has been fun (for me, at least), but you’re officially dismissed. ✨ Blocking you now—enjoy your evening of irrelevant superiority. 


@Emmaloveswine LMAO, congratulations on your exclusive EU membership, I guess?  Too bad it didn’t come with common sense. It’s hilarious how you’re flexing a passport like it’s a personality trait while spending your precious, superior EU life fighting strangers on Wattpad. Maybe focus less on borders and more on personal growth, because right now, the only thing you’re proving is that being in the EU doesn’t automatically raise your IQ.