So JubyPhonic is the queen of the English utaites, and honestly, I HATE IT. I have absolutely no clue how she even is a “good” utaite, yet alone why she has 600K subscribers. First of all, her singing is just...I don’t like it. I’m not even sure if she’s a real soprano since it’s obvious that she lets autotune, reverb, and editing do all the work for her. Everyone loves her she’s so “kawaii-chan” sweet, but she’s so monotone and doesn’t put ANY emotion into her singing which isn’t professional at all. In some of her covers, she sounds like she’s five, and in others, she tries to make herself sound like a vocal synth, which is not something utaites are supposed to do. She also ignores her fans on YouTube and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her interact with them since she’s so popular. The fact that she has 600K fans crawling at her really annoys me because you have people who are actually talented and can actually make awesome, layered, 1000/10 music, e.g. VocaCircus/Circus-P, KIRA, Eyeris/Creep-P, Crusher-P, GuitarHeroPianoZero, EmpathP etc. and you have other utaites who are MUCH better than Juby e.g. rachie, Razzy, Miku-tan, Kuraiinu, Oktavia. And I’m not even going to talk about Juby’s awful translyrics. They’re pretty much based on her own personal interpretation of that song, not the real meaning made by the original creator. Honestly, it’s so annoying. And I’m sick of it.