
Would it be possible for you to read my story, Wishing There Was More, and give me critiques, because I think you're an amazing writer and I would love to learn from you. 


I read the first chapter of your story and it seems like you're off to a good start. Make sure as you continue writing that you keep a constant character flow that adds to the plot. Normally the first chapter of a book should have some type of hook to get the audience interested. So maybe you could switch what you have written as a first chapter right now to a prologue since it gives a lot background information. Then make chapter 1 where you basically introduce the plot and most of the characters. Let me know if that helps, you seem like you're off to a really really good start :) 


Honestly I'm not sure which building it is in! But I'm sure we'll see loads of other people going for the same thing so we could simply ask as you walk around you know?(: or there might be something set up possibly!