
Happy Pride Month, folks! ️‍️‍⚧️


It’s been about 4 years since I published Match and it’s crazy to see it still being added to people’s reading lists to this day. I’m really grateful for that! I have a new book idea that I have been working on! So far I’m not sure when it will be released but I’m looking at sometime this year! :) The hint is: dancing! 


Looking forward to it! 


Hello all!
          Sorry for being inactive for a few months, but I have some news - a new book! Again, this one will be a bit different than my other books, but I hope you all will like it! I will be posting the first chapter tomorrow on Valentine's day! :) See you all very soon.


Hello everyone! I have come to make an announcement, that I have a new novel coming soon. :) I have been working off and on it for the last few months, it's something very different and has been a bit of a challenge to write but overall something I've wanted to try out! The hints I'll give is it involves fantasy and flowers... many, many flowers! Please look forward to it soon.


Oh wow! What a thing to come back to! To see Match at the #1 spot in the LGBTQ+ category... I'm honestly at a loss for words. I am absolutely and genuinely grateful. I never expected the novel to reach such a feat, I just wanted to make a story for fun. :) Thank you everyone for your support and love!


It’s National Coming Out Day! To those who are out and proud publicly, hey, keep rocking as your awesome self! To those who can’t come out due to various reasons/safety, hey, you still matter, you awesome human being! I’m so proud of you and I hope one day you’ll be in a space to be yourself! To those who aren’t ready yet, don’t fret! You’ll find that perfect day and you still matter! :) Let’s celebrate us in our different stages of being ourselves!