Hello everyone. It’s Sugar here! It’s so weird coming back here. I’ve gotten my login back and have read all of your comments. Thank you so much for your continued support. I wrote that fanfic when I was 16 (and lawd you can tell ) I am 20 now. I am currently rereading the story and feeling nostalgic with all of the memories and plots I thought of to continue. Unfortunately, I wrote most of the stuff I had planned in a notebook when I was 16 and that’s long gone over the years and an international move. I apologise for leaving so abruptly. I have a few ideas of where I could possibly take this story, but want to know if anyone is still even interested in it. My writing style is slightly different from how it used to be as I’ve grown up. I don’t know if that’ll be a turn off or not. Please let me know ! Thank you so much again. Please stay safe out there :3

@UnfortunateFugitive Yeah...Hey Maybe we can like message them all and say shes back-!

@FromHellOrHeaven I'm glad that we're both excited! But it's going to take more than two people to get her motivated. I wish so many people hadn't given up on her fanfiction...