
          	I have upadated lion and his dove chapter . Plzz read and give feedback  


Hello there everyone my beautiful ladies.. i just wanna let u all know that iam still alive . And doing good i guess. 
          Now about book update . I will update it definitely it just i am little busy always be cause of my job . I always try to write whenever i get time but i am not  able to write it bcz my mind is not still or focused  of lot of things going  in back of mind . I really need calmness while writing which i am not getting right now . 
          I really wanna  update the" lion and his dove " i also have written half of chapter almost 2000 words  . But still it not finished yet . But i will try to update as soon as possible  . 
          Thank for all support everyone yours patience . And really wanna Thank to my new subscribers  . 
          Love u all byy .. and take care everyone  . 
          And apart from all this .. can someone suggest me book which is eally angsty and have bark romance. Please if possible any genes and if its bl than definitely do please.  


hey i was just wondering if you maybe could (when you have time) upload a chapter for lion and his dove where you explain a bit more who of the mafias exactly is with what of the innocent guys. it was a bit confusing.
          but please don’t feel pressured and take you’re time <3


no problem take you’re time <3


@lini_fr ofcourse  .. I got holiday of 3 days .. I have some plan to upload  chapter. Thank you so much for suggestions and support  


Hello there, I hope you're having a good day. I just wanted to ask you for a favour if that's okay with you ..?


@sugayunji94 thank you :-). Means a lot.


@yourcoffeeholic ...okay , it will take sometime Because I am writing my story which I have to put in competition in October . I will try my best . 


@sugayunji94 if you have the leisure of time can you please check out my book and vote for it if you like it? Thank you have a nice day.