
Hey! It's been 4 years and we are still hoping for your comeback. Tried to contact you through every social media platform possible (ofc it resulted in dead ends). A response from u is what we are waiting for. Please comeback and complete what u started. A story like Dirty Deals can't be left incomplete. We hope you are doing okay with your life, sad that we can't say more with this virtual relationship between writers and readers. At this point we just wish we know you personally to do something. Don't forget we're here to support you. You are our fav writer. We'll be waiting. I hope you reply.


Please update  ur  story 


May b but hope she is fine  thank


@AeyshaKhan7 I don't know. I sometimes feel she has forgotten everything or not doing well. I wish if someone knows her personally at least let her know or let us know either she is doing well or not so that we stop hopping. Cause it's been 4 years I guess, she stopped writing.


Hey Sujal, I've been an avid reader of your stories since 2017. I must say that till now I've read more than 500 fanfiction on manan but have never come across a manan story which is as amazing as yours. I have re-read your stories uncountable times, especially Impulsive Soulmates and Ex's At War. I do hope and pray that wherever you are you're doing well. It's just that since we haven't heard from you since a long time we really miss you and your stories. Please come back if possible. 


Hey does anybody know a story where manik and Nandini are married but then Nandini runs away to Shimla when she was pregnant and stays with her daughter because manik is abusive she left him and stays hidden and manik is looking for her with the help of detective
          And that same writer has 2 more amazing story in which Nandini is a spoilt rich and manik is a service man who comes to her house and fix her problems and her house as well
          And other story where manik have a daughter and he is dating Nandini as well
          Can anybody please tell me the writer name or story name I can't find it anywhere like it's gone or disappeared or the writer deleted it... please please let me know


@snowhite21 can you plz share me too the link 


@snowhite21 sure.....thank you so much 


It's a waste to request the writer to come back.I don't think so she will ever come back.Either something happened with her or she just lost interest.Her story was so good that,I think people would have also pay to read her story.Unfortunaetly,she does not care.This is the last time I am going to write anything.


@Sadiya_as true their are many stories like this 


@mananpanifan exactly my point.If you have problem, tell us we will stop messing you.


@mananpanifan these writers write get their fame and never answer back and leave story incomplete.....why do they even write or post if they don't want to complete or at least give an answer who r waiting for them 