

I would also like to mention, as a Canadian, that Canadians shouldn’t hold ourselves on high horses. We are no better. We bury our issues, silence voices that NEED to be heard. We do not take responsibility for our past, or our present when we should.
          29-year-old Regis Korchinski-Paquet was a woman who was thrown off her balcony from her 24th floor apartment by a police officer. The police  attempted to cover her cause of death up by calling it a suicide. Say their names. Donate. Educate yourself and others. Do what you can to help. 
          The government looks away when there are thousands of missing and murdered indigenous women. Canadians try to forget the residential schools that have caused Intergenerational trauma, or the sixties scoop. Have open ears. Listen to their stories and their experiences. Let their voices be listened to, not just heard. Protest. 
          we are no better. 
          I cannot stress this enough:
          Help the voices be listened to. Advocate for them. Protest. Demand justice for BIPOC. Stand by their side. Support them through this. You are not helping if you remain silent.
          If you are sick of hearing black lives matter and other racial or feminist, and 2SLGBTQ+ issues, then you are apart of the problem.
          It’s never too late to educate yourself. If you don’t want to, unfollow me. But if you want to help, I’m not going to shame you because you lack knowledge. I will provide you a safe learning environment and experience. It is good to expand your mind for better. 


I could have worded this all a little better, my apologies, oops. I am terrible at delivery, but please, say their names. BLM. (Side note: if you do protest, please delete any photos or videos you have of them. It could be dangerous to the protesters!) 


this message may be offensive
Black lives matter. This isn’t up for debate. This is human rights. You cannot be apolitical when there is injustice. It’s bullshit if you say, “I don’t want to be involved,” or “I don’t want to offend anybody,” you have already taken a political stance on helping the oppressor. We have to fight against the hate. 
          Silence is complice.


I agreed to translate Italian to English. Do I hateysslf?  Oui 


            But I have to write a letter and send it off to somebody 


Google translate could be anybody’s best friend 


I speak the baguette not the pasta