
hi everyone!! 
          	i know i've been on hiatus for a very long time due to uni, and unfortunately that will continue until the end of my final year. however, don't fret! i finish in october!
          	that being said, i will try to update if i have time and motivation. i have also uploaded the first chapter of 'the cupid project' as a teaser of what's to come! my writing has greatly improved and it's definitely one of my best works and novel ideas yet!
          	thank you all as always for your support,
          	georgia x


hi everyone!! 
          i know i've been on hiatus for a very long time due to uni, and unfortunately that will continue until the end of my final year. however, don't fret! i finish in october!
          that being said, i will try to update if i have time and motivation. i have also uploaded the first chapter of 'the cupid project' as a teaser of what's to come! my writing has greatly improved and it's definitely one of my best works and novel ideas yet!
          thank you all as always for your support,
          georgia x


Aaaah when will you update asylum again:"D 


@summerdaze13 AJDJSIS GOOD LUCK <3 


@FaridaIsAFairy soooooon hopefully. I plan to work on it this weekend xx


Thank you for the follow fam! :3


@FaridaIsAFairy Haha naww thank you <33


Remove that extra I hehe..


@summerdaze13 that was nothing~ I'm really I happy I discovered this story *^*


// NEWS //
          I hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter of Housemates for 61 Days! This weekend I'm hoping to finish the latest chapter of Stubborn Love, which I can guarantee is progressing. I am halfway through writing Chapter Fourteen so hopefully I can stay on track and update by Sunday at the latest.
          In other news my orientation week for university begins next week. It shouldn't be too full on but on March 7 I begin classes. Until I get the hang of university life and see what my workload is like, updates may have to go on hold for a couple of weeks or months again, I'm not sure. 
          However, do not fear. I will be a lot more active this year, that I can promise. My writer's block is starting to go away and I'm becoming motivated to write more again. So fingers crossed. 
          That's all for now, Gigi xx


// UPDATE //
          The long awaited next chapter of Housemates for 61 Days will be posted at some stage this weekend. If you have any ideas for me or suggestions on scenes you would like to see in upcoming chapters please sent me a message or reply here. 
          Thanks again for your constant loyalty and support, Gigi xx


          My exams have finally finished and my graduation ceremony is tomorrow, so I'm sure you all know what that means. University won't begin until March so I now have a lot, and I mean a lot, of spare time on my hands.
          Therefore I pose this question to you all //I'm hoping some of you are still here and keen for updates//. What would YOU like me to update first?
          Much love to such loyal and amazing followers, Gigi xx


@SolemnKnight I'll get a new chapter started for it tonight then c: