triple update coming today because:
1- no work tomorrow!
2- already had these chapters written before i unposted the story
3- Keira's character development really GOT ME
@_Oh_Man_Holy_Shiit_ lmao, can totally relate to the whole gaslighting myself thing — it happens! btw, so glad to hear this, hope you can enjoy the story again! :) thanks for sticking with the books <3
finally, after seven months, a new chapter of nightcrawling is up!
highly recommend re-reading the previous ones —even i had forgotten what the fuck was going on in the story
omg im so glad your book is back, i only got to a few chapters when my reading slump began and the book underwent editing, i loveddddddd the plot and character so much im excited to read it again!!!!
mother's daughter is back: partly because i missed Keira, partly because i felt i owed her a more refined version of herself and a deeper personality in the first book. go enjoy the prologue!