Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating last week. The Breakaways is gonna be on hiatus for the rest of this month and all of October, due to the fact I'll be very busy with extracurriculars. It'll be back in November, though!
In case you're wondering, here is what my schedule will look like for the next month:
Mon-Fri, school. +Homework on all weekdays and on weekends.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday I won't get home until a little before 6:30, if I don't have anything else planned.
Wednesday I'll be home at a normal time, but I have a church activity that, depending on what it is I may need to leave for at 6:10-6:55. I'd be home by around 8:30 unless my ride is feeling chatty though.
Friday I get home at a normal time but have to leave between 4:10 or 4:30 depending on the schedule, and I'd get home a little before 10:00.
Saturday I can be gone during the day for pretty much any amount of time-depends on the distance and if we make finals.
Which means on Saturdays I can be gone anywhere between 6 to 17 or even 18 hours.
Bring on the mosquito bites!
Hope you understand!