
kosci my baby 


3h late car je pensais que wattpad était officiellement décédé 


1h late parce que je savais pas quoi dire 

          daily draexees
          la doodle du côté en bas pas finie mais shhhhh c’est un secret les reufs haha personne dit rien svp


oh ptn j’ai niqué l’aile 


now we NEED to get them to their new place 
          i mean porsche’s new place 
          or maybe she’ll go live into the rocks around with her sons


truuueee would be fun but i doubt draexees and sunbyte would even fit lmafooo but like theyd be right at the door loooo, tho i think people would wake up i mean a dragon even just landing is crazy loud xD


@-lilousporsche OMG IMAGINE 
            kosci goes back to her place to sleep bc no she's not batman and meanwhile Porsche tells the future king that she's giving him the crown and stuff 
            then she goes to Kosci's place (will probably take her a while to find due to her sense of orientation:( ) and kosci tells her she'll leave the door open for her (that's kinda dangerous actually but NVM) and she wakes up seeing Porsche and her oversized sons


and she lands just right around kosci’s place :3
            (trying to not destroy anything lol)


where does kosci liiive tho (and how does she go to her place, like walking idk how-?)
          i just wanna make Porsche ride Draexees frfr


@-lilousporsche dans la périphérie de la capitale, c'est une espace de banlieue un peu pétée mdrr (l'espagnol c'est un peu comme le breton a l'époque, c'est une langue qui était là avant la "colonisation" dans ce cas-là plutôt l'urbanisation et l'influence de la capitale, qui est restée mais qui est pas le main language)