basically ur best friend🙂🇯🇲
  • InscritNovember 20, 2019

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sundarigrinch06 sundarigrinch06 Jul 26, 2021 03:40AM
Hello everyone. I know I haven’t updated in a while but as some of you know, I am Iris in real life :). 2/6 of my brothers came to visit us for the summer, so 6/7 of us were together for 2 weeks. We...
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Histoires par Sundari Lynch
Iris par sundarigrinch06
Iris Garcia is a 13 year old girl who has been through more than anyone deserves. With a dead father, and a m...
Ivanov par sundarigrinch06
Sequel to Iris. Iris Garcia, now 19 years old, has the most amazing relationship with her brothers. After inc...
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