
Happy pride month!


Hiiii. Can I adopt Plane Crash for the anarchy.


@lilithhastoomanyocs Yeah, for sure! You can't copy/paste directly from Wattpad, but I can send you a public Google Doc with all of the already existing chapters. Otherwise, you can totally just pick up where I left off. Do either of those options work for you?


this message may be offensive
          I feel like a lot of shit is happening . My thanks and appreciatation to another author @OfficialSolangelo  for making me aware of this. (The below message was copied and pasted)
          Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community??
          Have you heard of project 2025?
          Have you heard that if Trump gets elected as president, you can be denied a job because you are LGBTQ+?
          Please, copy this message and post on someone else's board, text it to your friends, anything.
          This project entails much more than this, so please look into it and become educated on the subject.
          No more abortions is another thing.
          Imagine being draped and having to keep a child inside of you for nine months, and having to raise it even though you didn't want the child, or to be raped.
          If you got an illegal abortion, you would spend more time in jail than your rapist. Assuming they got caught, because let's be honest, they never are.
          Please, spread awareness.


Happy pride month!


I'm debating editing Wrong Number Kid to make it a little more readable, because I wrote it three years ago, and see room for improvement, but I figured I'd ask you guys before I change anything. Should I edit it???


@sundewthenaiad I loved it! But you could go through the editing again. Never hurts to do it. But again, loved your book! Let me know it the future if you update it?


@sundewthenaiad I like it as is but it's your book. If you want to go through and edit it, Id be fine with it. If you do edit it could you like mark or say if you have done editing?


@sundewthenaiad i loved it tbh, but you do whatever u wanna do! u could always do little like switching up a few words or something, but its up to u!


are you continuing the wrong number kid/plane crash or is that done?


@SniperFox_28 No, I'm sorry. I'm not updating The Plane Crash anymore, but @ThreePlusSokka, is right, and anyone is welcome to adopt if they want :)


I honestly don't think so. I suck at writing.