
ok so i know ive psoted about this in the past, the guy i like that works at the same store as me, so nothing has really changed, he always parks next to me or behind me, one time i was driving to work and happened to look back to see that he was also driving to work right behind me and so i turn in the first turn into the parking lot, pulled into a spot, while he took the next turn into the parking lot, and before i knew it, he pulled into the spot right behind me, while he had been following me to work. he still acts super weird, he always looks over at me and stuff, and i keep running into him outside of work by accident. everyone i talk to says its relaly weird  that he always parks next to me, i think it's weird too bc im not doing that to him. also the way he looks at me is just weird and i never see him with his girlfriend, like on a friday night he came in the store and was just walking aorund with his friend, andi was thinking to myself, " why isn't he hanging out with his " gf" on a firday night?"" so honestly, i don't know what to do, but it makes me really mad.  one day i walking up to punch out for my lunch break and he was just standing there at the service counter staring at me. one day he acts like i don't exist and the next he's following me to work and parking next to me! its so frustrating! so if any of you have insight on what i should do, please let me know! im so frustrated! thx ya'll


ok so i know ive psoted about this in the past, the guy i like that works at the same store as me, so nothing has really changed, he always parks next to me or behind me, one time i was driving to work and happened to look back to see that he was also driving to work right behind me and so i turn in the first turn into the parking lot, pulled into a spot, while he took the next turn into the parking lot, and before i knew it, he pulled into the spot right behind me, while he had been following me to work. he still acts super weird, he always looks over at me and stuff, and i keep running into him outside of work by accident. everyone i talk to says its relaly weird  that he always parks next to me, i think it's weird too bc im not doing that to him. also the way he looks at me is just weird and i never see him with his girlfriend, like on a friday night he came in the store and was just walking aorund with his friend, andi was thinking to myself, " why isn't he hanging out with his " gf" on a firday night?"" so honestly, i don't know what to do, but it makes me really mad.  one day i walking up to punch out for my lunch break and he was just standing there at the service counter staring at me. one day he acts like i don't exist and the next he's following me to work and parking next to me! its so frustrating! so if any of you have insight on what i should do, please let me know! im so frustrated! thx ya'll


ok i know ive been MIA lately but....can someone pls give me advice?
          ive liked this guy who works at my store for 6 months now, ever since he told me he had a gf he's been acting strange around me. i've never seen this gf and no one knows who she is. he's always looking to gauge my reaction all the time. once my coworker mentioned this new guy, she was like " oh your new guy" and he immediately looked over at me to be like " oh, is this your way of saying how cool you are for already having a new guy?" i swear i could see it in his face.
          one time he was chatting with two girl customers and right after they left he whipped his gaze around to see how i would react from seeing him talk to girls.
          also whenever he comes to work after me 80% of the time he just parks right behind me, it's really strange.
          this past week i was chatting with my friend who works in guest services at our store and as i turned to leave he was just staring at me.
          i've run into him at the gym before with my friend, it was really awkward, and ever since i can just feel him watching me when i walk past him.
          there's more but this already getting long so does anyone have some advice for me or reasons why he's acting like this?
          tysmmm:) have a great weekend everyone


@sunflowerlilly01 idk then....... awkward, difficult boys *rolls eyes* (emojis don't work:( )


@wise1812 i could but i told her i was more focused on school and stuff


@Captain15122010 on monday when i was clocking out his friend who works up front and him were up front clocking out too and i went up there and they both stopped talking and looked at me and then when they walked past me his friend goes " awkward" and they both ran down the stairs laughing. then on thursday my coworker was getting money from the atm when i was leaving so i walk over to my friend but at the same time i could just see my crush staring at me.....


what does it mean when your coworker says
          " hey stranger"
          even tho u two know each other
 he flirting??? or hwat


@sunflowerlilly01 I have no knowledge of boys!