
          	HOLY WATER 
          	HOLY WATER 
          	HOLY WATER 
          	HOLY WATER 


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Ok but like have you ever forgotten who you are, in the since of having to many personalities that you don’t know which one is real. Because it started when you were little because some people didn’t like it when you acted one way some others didn’t like another and you wanted to make everyone happy and fit in so you trained yourself to act different Around different people and now it’s turned into a toxic trate and you tend to hyper focus on people that make you happy but it ends up being annoying and everything messes up if you get to close and you don’t want to get close but I feels so nice for someone to understand but if you fuck it up it hurts all the worse


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Falling back into a dark place after thinking you were over someone for good absolutely fucking sucks. Sometimes I think I pushed them away because I tried to hard, sometimes I think I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe if I had just been more self aware. Maybe if I had told them and just let the rejection happen so I could get over it and it wouldn’t have  been seen as a motive. Maybe there was a way to stop it. But non of those maybes can help me now.


Remember that character I put through so much trama that they almost didn’t make it through just to at the end have something break them so bad that they just give up and let the person who was trying to end them do it…. Aka calandris or at the start of the story willow
          Is this just a tease for a book I’m writing…. Yes