Dear readers of High School Sweethearts & The Heart of a Hunter;
With my lack of updating due to my full schooling schedule, I have decided to take down High School Sweethearts & The Heart of a Hunter and continue to work on them both behind the scenes. Then, once both are completed, I will upload the fully edited/proofread versions. This way, I no longer have to continue keeping my readers waiting for months-years on end because I'm preoccupied. I'd like thank all the readers of both my stories; those who still continue to read them even though they had to wait continuously. And to those who decided to stop reading because of the long waits, I'd like to apologize. I started writing both stories at a young, naive age and wrote each chapter, flying at the seat of my pants.
Thank you all and hopefully in the next few months High School Sweethearts will be completed, if not close to it.