
I have posted the 2nd chapter to I Will Have To Move On and also another book of short stories named Paper Hearts. Take a look :)


been a long time since i posted chapters..sorry's just turning out to be a very tumyltuous year and over that i have two courses to handle together..urggghh!! life's hard..hey! but i do know i am lagging behind a lot and i promise i will make up for all the delay..just have faith in me.. :-) CHEERS


Hi everyone. I just deleted one chapter each of I will Have To Move On and Dear Sunshine. Actually this is the requirement for one of the contests I am taking part in. So heartfelt sorry. But they will be back soon :-)


hey everybody!! thankyou for those 207 reads..i was planning on writing again but that would be after my exams..that means that around june beginning i will write another dad wants me to write again..and since i am alone these days so i have plenty of time..but not currently as i have to prepare for exams right now..but i will BRB..till then i guess i may make the cover of the new book and write some intro or something..thankyou for thw support..i am highly obliged..stay smiling..stay strong..