How are you doinggggg

I just wanna be enough for me !!!!

@sunkissess Please follow, vote, and comment my story https://www.wattpad.com/story/308539984-story-of-robinita-hood Robinita Hood in your reading list.

how do you even get a boyfriend?

am i the only one who’s crying tonight because they don’t have a best friend or a love one?

@sunkissess don't cry pls,it's the same for me but with time you will surely find the right one.Sorry I am not really the best at comforting,also I am complete stranger to you but just a request, don't cry.Have a great day<3

@sunkissess Please follow, vote, and comment my story https://www.wattpad.com/story/264340078 Soul Evans as Cinderello in your reading list.

I hate how I look

Ayii long time no talk. How are you these days?

I’m honestly so scared, we got evicted from our apartment & we only have less than a week to move out. We haven’t found anything.

@sunkissess you aren’t either! If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to hmu!

@sunkissess my family’s been there I know there’s a place too! Honestly not great, but ya know just tryna get by. I’m glad that you guys are ok rn

@come-at-me-bitchhh awe :/ I hope you find a home too ! Just know you ain’t alone babe

this week at work , I felt like I did horrible and went slow. and my anxiety is getting so bad. I keep thinking of this manager at work who’s super nice but behinds everyone’s back she talks crap about everyone. I wake up and fall alseep with thoughts of her talking about me. ngl lately I feel like I’m going to get fired one day.

i feel mentally drained. im a senior in high school and im already failing. people are applying to college and im trying my best to finish my scholarships application but it’s so hard. i regret not getting straight a’s through my years in school, or joining clubs and having 100 community service hours. even tho in senior year i joined 2 clubs and getting community service hours I still feel like a failure. I love my job but the people in it especially this one group are toxic asf, they like talking crap about others behind their back just for a small mistake and im always constantly working in fear thinking they will talk about me . I always compare myself to my sister wishing I was smart like her who did dural enrollment in highschool , who got straight As and joined many clubs. I wished I was pretty. I don’t feel happy in the apartment I’m living in, im missing my old one. And I’m scared to go on in life. What if I become a failure?

this message may be
Girl I feel you. I’m a junior and my grades are such shit rn. Everyone keeps telling me this is an important year but I just always fall behind. Everyone I’m friends with is so smart and it’s so intimidating. My grades were sooooo bad last year and I keep feeling like a failure. Same about the job ppl talk about me to and it makes me hateee going in. All my teachers hate me and they’re supposed to write me recommendations!! I think you have to find joy it in though. Senior year you have so much to look forward to. This new part in your life whatever college you end up at it’s gonna be a new adventure and that’s what’s kinda keeping me going. The thought of that. I think fear of failure is the most common fear, but you can’t let that stop you. You kinda just gotta have faith in urself and the universe or whatever you believe in that you’ll end up where you’re supposed to. I think you will. Feel free to message me wheneverrr. Sorry everything’s shitty.

hi, babe. it’s mercury, looooong time no see. for one, i know this position all toooooo well. this is your fear and your head talking, this is that voice in your head saying you won’t make it. please! you will make it if you are determined. some of the greatest and most successful people in the world didn’t get straight A’s nor into the best college nor attended clubs and such things. that didn’t make them any less of who they are today. and that doesn’t belittle you in any manner. because you have your talents that colleges and so many people in this world will see even when you don’t. colleges? don’t let any fear stop you from thinking you’re good enough to get into the college you desire because you need to try. and colleges like people who try. and won’t give up ever. your sister? don’t compare yourself to her. perhaps she is better in some departments, although that doesn’t mean you excel in some departments better than she does. you are YOU. not her. nobody is better than you and the more you make yourself believe that, the lesser of the beautiful human being you become. life is the most unpredictable enemy in this universe and yet it is also our best friend. you can be worried, you will be worried. but that happiest people make the best things out of the worst and that’s all you need to do, love. so yes, this fear will hit you like a brick wall. and that is normal, but our purpose in this world is not to realize that you are beautiful but to realize that all things can be if you just put your heart to it. so focus on the good things, and make the best of your tomorrows, and leave behind your yesterdays because today is yours. i love you girl, stay strong. ❤️