Solly everyone . School is really been a bother of me :(( . But I will update some more . Can comment down some couples to write about for me. I would love to write about them . ❤️
Solly everyone . School is really been a bother of me :(( . But I will update some more . Can comment down some couples to write about for me. I would love to write about them . ❤️
@Naruto_Shipper Hello!C: So recently me (@SmilingWhiteMoon) and one of my fellow friends (@Tayyabalaraib) have come together to form a SasuHina fan page. We would both highly appreciate it if you can support our page and follow our page.:) This page will solely be about, being able to communicate with many SasuHina writers and readers. To share ideas and help others brainstorm. We sincerely hope you can join our page, xXKawaiiSasuHinaXx and if you have any questions feel free to ask myself or my fellow friend. (@Tayyabalaraib) Thank you!!c: