Hello friend...uhm I know it's a little late and what not but I needed your help in something...I have been asking around (asking her friends...well I sent like a message)
In a few months I wanna do something special for my sweetheart (PaigeNight)
I was wondering if you had any ideas...
I really wanna knock her socks off and I'm sure one of her friends have a good idea what she may like.
Sorry if I am bothering you.
Totally I don't mean to..
It's just you guys are like her family here and I know I'm still sort of new to you guys ...maybe I should get to know her friends more...sorry bout that..btw but uhm she means the world to me and I really wanna make her smile...
Uhm thank you for your time totally.
Aww no problem and she loves wolves so maybe get something to do with wolves? She likes to read I know that.. Hmm If I think of anything I'll let you know @MelloSakia
*200.000 million yrs Later*
*with an old raspy voice*
You've got to be kidden me...