
I'm not correcting you,  well ok I am, but in a way that you can understand why and what needs to be fixed. You have Eva telling us the reason why she is wearing glasses is  because she's short-sighted,  well the correct version of this is being 'nearsighted'. I'm not telling you this as a FIX  IT NOW, but it would have bugged me endlessly, and I just wanted you to understand what was wrong. I'm sorry but I'm an editor and when I see an error that needs fixing I edit, but NOT rudely, just for you to read, but if your completely finished with the story and DON'T want me to stop it and just read the story,  please just say so!!!


Out of curiosity. Why is you username hoping-to-stay-alive?


I get it. I'm in a bit of a dark place myself. Depression and anxiety suck


@JediGeekGirl I was in a dark place when I made it, still kind of am and that's what came to mind I want to change it but I can never find one that I like and that is not taken


Thanks for the votes babe! :-* ❤