i'm back! (again) so this is a very in-depth of what is happening with all of the stories that I have either published or talked about in the past few months. there are much more that are behind the scenes but we're not gonna talk about those rn. so here it is; each story will have a status (discontinued, in progress, coming soon, or on hold) and then each story will have 'aesthetic' by them meaning my new aesthetics are coming and then chapter by a story means there is a chapter coming. the official 'on hold' starts after the aesthetic revamp! discontinued books might be forever or just for a while if i decide to pick them back up again but at this point, i don't know so that is why they're discontinued while the on hold's i know i am interested in picking back up.
- queen of manhattan: complete rewrite
- reaching for paradise: aesthetic, in progress
- into the past: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- cold angel: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- the destined play: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- weasley: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- an inconvenient flame: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- crimson lace: aesthetic, chapter, coming soon
- medical love: aesthetic, on hold
- angel of darkness: aesthetic, on hold
- the three runaways: discontinued
- ballpark love: discontinued
- mafia's golden hour: aesthetic, on hold
- before the times: aesthetic, chapter, in progress
- dangerous games: discontinued
- electric moon: aesthetic, chapter, coming soon
- dance for me: aesthetic, on hold
- yours truly: discontinued
i hope i didn't disappoint a lot of you but that is my stories that i will/won't be working on. obviously love shock and the girl from two worlds are up and running.
have a good rest of your day!
sunny lune