
Hey folks. It's been a while. A lot has happened, I'm working full time now and I'm very tired, but I can't help thinking about getting back into writing properly. From today on, I will be uploading a chapter of Herobrine's Downfall once a week. I will not be editing the ones I have up, and the new ones that I will be writing will be more like polished drafts than anything. Basically, I want to write how I used to, with less care about perfection, and more about getting a story I love onto a page. I know, Minecraft fanfic in 2021, from a 20 year old no less, but while I never finished it, it's the closest I've ever come to finishing a book, and I need that right now. So yeah! Who knows, I might even get Elemental back up after it.


Hey folks. It's been a while. A lot has happened, I'm working full time now and I'm very tired, but I can't help thinking about getting back into writing properly. From today on, I will be uploading a chapter of Herobrine's Downfall once a week. I will not be editing the ones I have up, and the new ones that I will be writing will be more like polished drafts than anything. Basically, I want to write how I used to, with less care about perfection, and more about getting a story I love onto a page. I know, Minecraft fanfic in 2021, from a 20 year old no less, but while I never finished it, it's the closest I've ever come to finishing a book, and I need that right now. So yeah! Who knows, I might even get Elemental back up after it.


Well folks, it seems I need something to ease me back into writing full books, because some of my current WIPs are taking an awful lot of energy. To get me back into the swing of things, I'll be publishing and finishing the last few chapters of this! It's been a long time, and I don't really write Minecraft fanfic anymore, but this is one I could never really delete, I enjoyed writing it and I am actually proud of it, so here! Enjoy! 
          I just published "One - A Dark Glow" of my story "Herobrine's Downfall".


I know I've been on a too-long hiatus, but I'm sort of back. Elemental is currently under heavy editing, so I've unpublished it for now. It's getting a really big face-lift and I'm rewriting a lot of it, with the same base setting and plot points. I have the first chapter of a new book published, but it won't be taking up a lot of my time.
          Currently school is still kicking my ass, but with summer coming up and college after that, I want to get back into it before it's put on the long finger again. I have a lot of exams coming up in June, which are my number one priority by a mile at the moment, but I'll be writing odds and sods in between, when I get the chance.
          For any of my followers who are still active and still willing to read on my profile, I really appreciate you, and I apologise for the worst wait in the history of waits. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. Thank you. 


Okay guys. This is about Elemental. I have no intention to leave it unfinished or to delete it, but I have come to the conclusion that I have no more chapters in me right now to stall the next major plot development, so I'll leave this decision up to you guys. I can either wait and try to come up with something to make the story a little bit longer, or I can get straight to it. The second option would mean a shorter book overall, at least until I can go back and maybe add more after the book has been finished. It's up to you. Short book and quicker updates, or long book and slower updates.
          Also, to those of you who sent in characters to be featured in the story that have not yet made an appearance, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a profile in the next week. The messages were deleted and I can't find my notes. If I don't receive these profiles within seven days, the characters will not be featured in the book. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
          Thank you!


Hey guys, just wanted to say that I posted a new chapter for Herobrine's Downfall. The story will be getting better soon, I promise. 
          Also, @riptidevirus just posted a teaser chapter for a new sci-fi book called “Infection- Book one of The Carnage Trilogy”. You should really check it out, the book is going to be good!


Thanks for the shoutout! I really appreciate it. And thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read my book. Everyone helps.       (>")>.      Virtual hug!