
Hey guys so I am going to be logging off wattpad for a while because my mental health has taken a really bad turn and I don't have it in me to keep writing this story at the moment. I will still continue it once I'm feeling better but right now I just don't have the motivation. Love ye all❤


Hey guys so I am going to be logging off wattpad for a while because my mental health has taken a really bad turn and I don't have it in me to keep writing this story at the moment. I will still continue it once I'm feeling better but right now I just don't have the motivation. Love ye all❤


So, emm i was thinking about my book and I've decided its still going to be a herophine fanfic but Mercy, Felix and two more characters are going to become main characters aswell and are going to have their own love stories which I already planned out but now they are going to have ther own povs and everything. So its going to still be herophine but like more a story of like a friend group.