
//teehee might’ve forgotten about her for a bit
          	Cb or drop things now that I’m back?


" whoa - you look awful . . come in , its freezin' out here - "


            She shook her head.” I ate before I got kicked out.”


" not really - are you ? "


Cassandra was alerted by the sound of the door opening, glancing over from the couch only to see it was just Aurinko. She quickly stands herself up, stumbling over to the other in shock. She had no idea that the redhead was going to return, she expected her to stay away in all honesty. “Aurinko…? You’re back?” The woman checks her for any wounds. “You’ve been gone for almost a week now, are you okay? I hope nothing bad happened… I was thinking about you this morning.”


            Aurinko frowned.” No, I-… I need to pay you back for this. Please.” She murmured.” It was hard, but I made a lot of money. I even got extra from a guy!” She pulled out some money from her pocket.


                The sight of the bruises was enough to make her feel heartbroken, it was devastating to see her in this state. She’s never really seen Aurinko hurt like this, but she can only imagine the pain she endured to get the wounds. The blonde stands there for a bit, shaking her head with a tiny smile. “How about you keep the money, you need it more than I do… I’ll let you stay here a while longer, you deserve it.”


            The redhead was mostly unharmed. She had bruising around her wrists and throat, but that was all. She smiled weakly when she saw Cassandra.” I’m alright. I, um… I got you some money. To pay you back for everything and… and to maybe let me stay for a while more?”


"Hey. Hey! I won't hurt you." He called out to her. His hands were humongous claws composed of black and red matter, similar to a symbiote like Venom or Carnage.
           "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."


            She nodded softly, humming to herself for a moment as she watched the other.” Internet- Yeah, my neighbor lets me use theirs.” She padded over to grab a small piece of paper and bring it to him.” This has the network and password.”


"I'll have a look at the TV."  He announced quietly and walked over to the couch. He hadn't had much of a chance to watch anything since he'd woken up from the autopsy table. 
            "Do you have Internet access?" He asked suddenly.


            “I’m sorry. I just get whatever’s cheapest…” Her smile fell as her expression became a little harder to read.” Well, um… I have to go out to work in a little bit, so feel free to use the television or the bed or anything.”