
Is anyone participating in Nanowrimo this year? What are you writing? Really excited to take a shot at it this year and hopefully finish my novel!


Hope everyone is enjoying summer safely (wherever you are in the world)! I am currently re-writing my novel diáspora, so I will not be sharing updates until the first draft is complete. But! I do have a new novel up called Taste of Sunshine that I write for fun! It's a summer romance/travel story set in Southern Europe. Let me know what you think 


Happy 2020! diáspora is back with a new chapter on Valentina and Angel's first date. I've been trying to figure this chapter out for a while, and needed this one to be finished before uploading the next completed two chapters! 
          please read catorce and let me know what you think :)


Wow y'all!!!!! I just realized that I've reached 500+ reads on diáspora. Thank you all so much for supporting myself and my work thus far. I truly appreciate every single one of you who has read, commented, and reviewed diáspora. 
          More soon :)


@sunshineandcoffee Congrats! diáspora deserves it. It'll get 500 more reads before long :)


@sunshineandcoffee Of course, you’re such a talented writer!


@AmazingGraceless Thank you so much for supporting my work!!