
Hi, guys! It really has been a while since I updated but chapter 18 of Godly is finally posted. I hope you enjoy it!
          	Have an amazing Sunday, all you lovely people ❤


Officially back from hiatus! I missed you all so much and I'm excited to start updating again :)
          ~Inner Space updates will start today
          ~Godly and Dark Fall updates will start on Monday so keep a look out ;)
          I'll be spending this weekend catching up on all the reading I missed and replying to comments. Have a wonderful Friday!❤


Welcome back : )


Hi, Wattfam! I've decided to take a bit of a break from Wattpad since my personal life is very busy at the moment. For the rest of January I will rarely be online and probably won't update. I'll see you all in February!
          Stay amazing! ❤