
this message may be offensive
Hey peeps
          	So as you can see, my book got deleted on my profile... My cousin brother had come over for the weekend, and he just started doing random stuffs and I find out a day later that he literally deleted my book.... Like everything, from my drafts to the published parts everything.... He knew my passwords and username and shit too, so he did that 'because it was fun' apparently.... 
          	I'm so heartbroken and sad but I can't even complain to my parents or someone cause no one knew i wrote in here, and I don't want to go through my stuff... So ig that's the end of my writing journey for this book..
          	I literally don't know what to do guys... I'm sorry to those who read my books and commented and voted, I'm very grateful for yall.. it feels like my one happy escape has been taken away..
          	I'll see what I can do, and update you guys if there is any news ..
          	Thanks for sticking by me, and i hope you all have a good day always ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hey peeps
          So as you can see, my book got deleted on my profile... My cousin brother had come over for the weekend, and he just started doing random stuffs and I find out a day later that he literally deleted my book.... Like everything, from my drafts to the published parts everything.... He knew my passwords and username and shit too, so he did that 'because it was fun' apparently.... 
          I'm so heartbroken and sad but I can't even complain to my parents or someone cause no one knew i wrote in here, and I don't want to go through my stuff... So ig that's the end of my writing journey for this book..
          I literally don't know what to do guys... I'm sorry to those who read my books and commented and voted, I'm very grateful for yall.. it feels like my one happy escape has been taken away..
          I'll see what I can do, and update you guys if there is any news ..
          Thanks for sticking by me, and i hope you all have a good day always ❤️


          I know I know I've been MIA for a bit, but I have been trying to write as much as I can... I can't believe i finally am a college student!!! I expect my sschedule to go even more tight as I start this new schooling, so I'll be trying my best to write the chapters and have quite a few in my drafts before it starts so I always have some to post even if I get crazy busy. so, expect a new chp soon, but after that I'll be taking a bit of time off to write up the new ones and start posting them soon after I finish quite a few. I guess there will be about 15 or so more, I dont know yet though, so i hope you will engage onto it! i'm very excited, and i hope the book turns out good!
          p.s. STAYs just turned foiveee 2 days ago! I'm sorry i forgot to wish!! also, Bbama, happy birthday!!! <3


Hey peeps... I'm back
          So sorry for keeping you hanging for so long, but I'm finally done with school forever!! Well until i head to college but i have about 3 months till that (give or take) so i promise to try to update as soon as possible again..
          Thanks for the support, and i love all of youu
          Yours truly


Hey peeps.
          I wanted to do a blog segment, so here's my try at it. This segment will be relationship based, with any questions you have about it, be it friendship, dating, etc, anything. This will not hamper my update schedule, I'll make sure of it.
          So all you need to do is to put your question in my DM and I'll answer a select few every week. Rest assured, your identity will remain anonymous and no one but me will know the sender. I wanted to make it as interactive as possible, so if you guys have any opinions, comment on that particular notice. I will try my best guys!
          Thanks peeps
          Love y'all ❤️
          P.S. this segment will be starting as soon as I get 5 questions, so keep the questions coming!
          P.S.S. please guys no hate. Any rude or hate comment will be reported and deleted. Let's keep this a healthy place for everyone!! Hwaiting


Hey peeps
          Just uploaded a new chapter... Hope you all like it. This was a filler, but the next chapter is going to be important, so stay tuned for the next update. Comment, fan and vote!
          Love ya all
          P.S. BLACKPINK are 5 years old now!! I'm so happpyyyy


Hey peeps
          I finally finished and uploaded the 17th chapter... I hit a huge roadblock in this one cause I had sooo many scenarios in my mind but then I finally settled in this one.... How do you like it? This chapter is dedicated to spread that toxicity affects people more than you think, and to not misunderstand people without hearing them out. I hope you like the message and stay tuned for the next update
          sunshinegirl 2026


this message may be offensive
Hey peeps
          So yes maybe if you noticed I wasnt so up with my updating schedule. The thing is that I'm in the 9th grade which apparently is VERY important for my future as it is the.... I won't go into the details cause it is very boring, but it is almost as the final senior year of high school part 1. Part 2 is the 10th grade after which I would be a college student. So anyway, my first exams are up and there is a shit ton of studies to be done, and my classes for the school are also all over the place, so sadly I won't be doing weekly updates. I do still hope to do once two weeks or something like that hopefully... Sorry and thank you for understanding
          Yours sorrowfully



@Rickardswife np... Thanks for the recommendation


@Rickardswife ok then I'll definitely check it out... Thanks for the recommendation ❤️


Hey guys
          So sorry, as you must have noticed I won't be uploading this week. Sorry but I seemed to have hit a writer's block and also because of my crazy school and studies schedule I will upload next week... If I get time I may even make-up for this week's upload and do a double upload next week.... Thanks for staying around and let's not give up.... Both of us....