
I'M ALIVE EVERYONE! and i kinda wanna make a new crk fic since i'm getting back into it kinda. who wants a fallen hero's fic with a new oc? i promise it won't be as bad as my little oreo.


hey everyone!
          so i know i very fastly discountied "history repeats itself" and i might unpublish the book but i have good news
          my little oreo is being rewritten and the story will continue
          one last annoucement
          my story will be posted to a03 if you perfer using it nowdays (because ngl wattpad has been getting boring)
          feel free to give me ideas for what to put in the story!
          have a good day/night


hey everyone i know its been awhile, i have moved on to ao3 and ive been dealing with a bunch of irl stuff.
          don't worry this is not an announcement that im leaving wattpad i have never left i actually came here to announce some good news!
          news 1: the crk next gen book is being recontinued! i know i have said in the past that i have discontinued it but with the golden cheese update i have motavation to write it again.
          news 2: remember my crk book my little oreo? well it might actually be rewritten! and new chapters might be added soon.
          news 3: my little oreo could possibly get a sequal, i didnt like how i rushed the ending for my little oreo and im gonna make up for it by possibly making it a sequal
          news 4: im gonna be crossposting my books now on a03 if you prefer to use it.
          REMINDER: only the first and last announcment is offical, the other two about my little oreo may not happen you and i will have to see, and please remember just because i confirmed that im recontinuing the next gen book doesnt mean its gonna be out right away i have alot of stuff to do before i can post it, i hope everyone understands and have a great day/night.


hey everyone so about the next gen cookie run kingdom book 
 may be discontinued since im no longer in the cookie run kingdom fandom and im moving onto a03 since theres no good stories anymore on wattpad and i barley get any updates on books i read on here.
          and the cookie run kingdom fandom is also kinda dead now and ive moved onto other fandoms and have different stuff i wanna do.
          the book could be continued again in the future like my little oreo was but i can't be sure.
          thank you everyone who has followed me and read my book im sorry i wasn't able to post one last crk book.
          once i get my ao3 account ill send the link
          again thank you everyone <3
          have a good day/night


ok everyone i have good and bad news
          lets just start with the bad news
          the new crk book im making is not a sequal to my little oreo and dark oreo won't be in it
          the good news is that i may make a short book of a reunion between dark oreo,dark choco and dark cacao
          have a good day/night


hey everyone so well i know i have said and deleted that i was gonna make a sequal of my little oreo well i have good and bad news
          the good news is that i will make one last crk book that will be a next gen book
          the bad news is that i will most likey not be a sequal to my little oreo since if someone were to read the next gen they would need to read my little oreo and that book itself is three hours long
          i do badly want to put dark oreo and another sister i made for dark choco dark caramel in and i need to give it some thought 
          i will keep everyone updated on what my final decison will be when it comes to dark oreo and dark caramel but its almost 3am where i live and i am currently planning the plot of the new book and the new characters
          have a good day/night bye