
@ababy7 it's raining where i live so that calls for a writing day, i'll try my very best to have it done tonight


Hey Jackie! I just want to say that @RMBeautiful2 got me to read Warrior and WOW! I love it! It's so connecting and impelling! It makes me think so hard of what could happen if things went right with Teddy, if she would be happy or not, but I know that she has to be because she has someone that loves her. It's truly a very interesting and amazing story:) Sorry to bother you, but I just had to tell you <3 :D


oh my god thank you so much! you have no idea how much your comment means to me and you are not at all bothering considering my life is watching netflix as i'm doing right now haha! i'm so glad you liked it i'm trying so hard to do my best because i know that there are some girls out there who are going through the same thing and i guess this is kind of a message to tell them that things work out. thank you SO MUCH again i cant tell you enough how much this comment means to me:) .xxxx