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i should treat tumblr the way i treat my wattpad wall cuz literally no one on either platforms gives a fuck about what i’m yappin on about but i say my thoughts here anyway


yall i just looked at the profile of some mf i was sorta friends w over wattpad, tf happened to them??? groomer allegations jumpscare??? does any of my old followers from 2022 know who im talkin bout


@PERS0NAM0MENT yikesss , hope the people effected are doing ok


lawernce or whatever their name was??? yeah wasn’t he like a groomer and liked underage sonic fanart idk


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i do not care that i haven’t been on wattpad in 2083733 years i fucking HATE when people hate on snakes bc the devil took the form of a snake to trick eve into eating the apple!!! the devil took form of like so many things to tempt ppl to sin why are you targeting the fucking snakes omg seeing a snake isn’t gonna make you start going on a killing spree fuck you if you think that bc that SPECIFIC serpent was the devil not all the little snake babies born in the wild are the fucking devil it’s a METAPHOR it’s SYNBOLISM


@sunshinexxrayz nah it ain't that it's just I don't want a snake biting me. Though. Snakes are cute tho