
GUYS!! question!! please answer. so do you guys want the next chapter of the crossover book now or should I finish it? like I could split it up into 2 chapters or make it a super long one, what do you guys want?


i honestly don’t care you can do whatever you want


Hola buenas XD, solo quería decirte que pues me gusta tu historia la verdad XD, pero mi pregunta es si es que la vas a seguir continuando o está en desarrollo o algo así, me gustaría saber eso nada más pero me gusto tu historia la verdad XD 


GUYS!! question!! please answer. so do you guys want the next chapter of the crossover book now or should I finish it? like I could split it up into 2 chapters or make it a super long one, what do you guys want?


i honestly don’t care you can do whatever you want


ok, since I've heard you guys actually care about my book (which was kinda shocking ngl) chapter 011 ;) should be up sometime this week. thank you guys so much for the positive feedback it really means the world to me!


@Vintagemayfield holy crap I never saw this until now, thank you so much!! chapter 11 is up rn!! ;)


@Lulu-Lupin-Black  Im so happy your continuing it Ive always wanted someone to make a it and st crossover and yours was the most entertaining to read 


I've started getting into marvel because I've got nothing else to do and the best line in the MCU I've found so far is:
          "be careful how you speak, Loki is my brother" 
          "he killed 80 people in 2 days"
          "he's adopted" 
          I thought I'd share that with you because I'm currently screaming