
Hi everyone, i’m sorry for the MIA these past few years. Life got way too busy and i had to give up Wattpad. I just wanted to let everyone know that i don’t know if i’ll come back or not, maybe one day when i’m not as busy but I wish you all the best in your lives


Hi everyone, i’m sorry for the MIA these past few years. Life got way too busy and i had to give up Wattpad. I just wanted to let everyone know that i don’t know if i’ll come back or not, maybe one day when i’m not as busy but I wish you all the best in your lives


One of these days i wanna go through my entire mess of a wattpad library and clear out all the books that i’m prob never gonna end up reading lol


            Please update your supercorp story little angels I have an idea for a prompt Jamie is dealing with the aftermath of the bombing and she has a really really bad panic attack When no one is home so she gets through it and doesn’t tell anyone and then she has another one with Kara in the room And Kara helps her through itAnd then she goes to therapy and doesn’t wanna talk about it and it’s a long process I know that’s a weird problems but I hope y’all think about doing it