Hello! I know you aren't going to be writing part two, but I would like to say that your writing was really amazing. I understand if writing in general isn't really something that interests you anymore, but I was wondering if any other books may come out? they don't really have to be about johnnie or anything, I just love your writing style and I loved reading your book. In fact, it was one of the first books that prompted me to start writing my own story (I haven't published it and probably wont for a while.) If not I understand bc writing is really hard (at least for me it is) because it takes a lot of time and thought, anyways sorry for yapping. Basically to sum it up, I loved your book and writing style and would like to know if you are still interested in writing more books, if so I can't wait to read them when they come out! (Also sending so much love to you, reading the first book and seeing how her experiences were based off your own, I just hope you are doing amazing now and I hope you are happy in your life and what you have to come<3! [again sorry for yapping ] )