Hi guys.
I'd first like to apologise. I'm sorry that this has taken so long, but I have been through a really tough time recently. But thank you to everyone who has continued to like and comment through my absence. I would like it to be known that although I haven't responded the way that I set out to when I first started uploading on here, I have read and appreciated every kind message/ comment left for me. Every single one of them has brightened my day a little even when things seemed so dark.
I actually wrote a bit today towards my story Innocence, although it was only a bit. I had planned it all out a while back but unfortunately I lost the note pad so need to start again. But like I promised so many times I will continue on with it, finally. I've also decided to go back and touch up on my old stuff, correcting typos and all.
Another thing: at some point I plan on re-reading the Henderson's boys series by Robert Muchamore as I plan to write a version of it from Marc's point of view as if he were a girl. It could be completely terrible and not work at all but I thought I'd at least give it a shot.
Thank you.