
/; CB for a starter or oneliner, feel free to specify a mood


it's  not  going  to  work  -    whatever  you're  trying  to  do.


no  -  !      i  mean,    do  you  even  /  know  /  what  you're  doing?


            It's going to work. It has to work...


            That's not what I was saying. Bruce is like a brother to me -- or, he was like a brother to me. I'm saying that no matter how many times someone tries to help him, tries to make him realize that he doesn't have to be paranoid constantly, it never works. He has this need to be prepared for everything because of how paranoid he is, and maybe that's smart, maybe it's dumb, nobody really knows -- but because of that, no matter how much you think he's changed or how much he thinks he's changed, he really hasn't. He still has contingencies for damn near every imaginable scenario and he still spends all his time in his cave. He had contingencies in place for if any of us went rogue, including himself, and he definitely has contingencies in place for if you go rogue -- not because he doesn't love you, but because he knows you and he raised you and he knows it could be disastrous if you went rogue. And by the way, that dark and broody persona was just a front. I hate to break it to you, but Bruce Wayne had a family before your mom came along. He had children before you came along. And he was capable of being happy before you and your mom came into his life. I may not know as much as I'd like to but I know Bruce Wayne better than most.


clark?   what's happened to you?


and i'm saying you'll get through it.
            ; i just know that, when i play multiplayer at my college, where we have a video game section of our student rec center, i main harley quinn and catwoman. on my personal games, i haven't gotten very far, to say the least


            It's kind of hard to be positive after everything I've been through...
            /; They're great games, I just wish there was a bit more diversity on the roster -- I mean, the dlc brought in a lot of diversity but I feel like they could've skipped out on characters like Sub-Zero, Raiden, Enchantress, and to an extent Black Manta and Atom. I mean, I love Atom's gameplay but I wish it was Ray Palmer and not Ryan Choi, or I wish they at least gave us a Ray Palmer premier skin. Then Enchantress could've been replaced by Lilith Clay/Omen, Black Manta could've been replaced by Booster Gold, Sub-Zero could've been replaced by Ted Kord's Blue Beetle, Raiden could've been replaced by Wally West, and if we're replacing Atom he could've been replaced by Roy Harper. An argument can be made that Wally and Roy should just be premier skins for the Flash and Green Arrow respectively, but I feel like they would benefit more by having their own move sets. Wally's more in tune with the Speed Force and he's faster than Barry so that alone warrants a different move set in my opinion and Roy uses more trick arrows than Green Arrow and depending on the continuity he sometimes uses guns so he should definitely have a different move set. But I'm just hoping Barry and Ollie get replaced by Wally and Roy in Injustice 3


well,   with that attitude it will.
            ; i need to go back and beat them