I’m taking down some of my books and placeholders for books with pre written chapters. I’ve written chapters for all of them but I have so many plotbunnies in my head that it’s crazy. So I’m taking down: -Sinbound (RJ and London) -Never Number One (Demi and Brandon) -Bad and Badder (Raegan and Sincere) I’m also taking down After The Dragon (Isadora and Draco) for some serious editing. The timeline is a little screwy and the first chapters are majorly cringing and in need of some love. Not to mention I should’ve plotted it out more, but that was my first book. Now my writing has improved quite greatly and I can give it the much needed attention. So I will be keeping up -Branded For Failure (Everett and Vixen) -Weightless (Tanzi and Ridley) (I have a whole series planned for Weight on Us series [Weightless and it’s sequels]) so I’m taking everything down so I can work on them and give them what they need. When those are finished or possibly before if I have everything plotted, j will bring my others back. No plotting will change for them, just the storyline would be more written out. Thanks for reading this Ted talk. I don’t have a bunch of followers or readers so nobody will really care, but I wanted to say it here regardless. Keeping them in my bio though because they will return. :P