Hello everyone.
Long time, no post. Well, until now that is. I am unbelievably sorry that I have gone MIA, but I just couldn’t find the inspiration to continue my previous stories. When you start something and don’t have your heart in it it pretty much just dissolves to dust. Although, my finchel/monchele works are done, that does not mean that I do not like them anymore. I’v just truly moved on.
Yes, I am back to produce actual content on here. I am about to start on a project that I think some of you may enjoy. Yes, it will possibly deal with Harry Styles. (Not the real Harry Styles, oh I wish!)
So, yes keep an eye out for a Harry Styles story. It will be based on my own version of Harry Styles since I obviously don’t know him personally to know like “what his favorite type of color to paint his nails with is”. Anyways, bottom line is I am excited to be back to actually work on my own story for real this time instead of constantly reading other people’s story.
If you’re as excited as I am, then stay tuned and thank you! I hope in the future I will be able to do more than just write Harry fiction, but actual works of romance in general and that writing/grammar will actually improve as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and…
'Till next time, Don't stop believing!
Supernøva x