
Woah. Guess who lives, and is gayer and more active in politics then ever before?? This hoe. I’ve a lot of cleaning up to do on this account and actual more or less good writing to post. Cheers!


Hey, I know this might seem a little awkward since we haven't talked in awhile, but I want to properly thank you for the follow (even if it was a looong time ago)! (EEK SO SORRY! I'M JUST GETTING BACK ON! *bows head repeatedly*) Anyways, THANK YOU!!! Oh, and if you ever need feedback on your writing or promos or just wanna talk, I'm here, my dude!


I’m screamin??? You amazing human holy hell thanks fam!


Alright so this is my last month of school, starting the second week of July (High School things take up the first) I'm going to be rewriting and updating most if not all of my stories! I'm so sorry for being so out of it but School takes up a lot of my time if not personal problems. Other than that..  Supgal out!


If I seem a bit more detached, hostile and sensitive than ever, please don't blame yourself. 
          1. It will anger me
          2. When i grieve, I grieve mostly alone. I usually only actually listen and am "normal" around those in the same unfortunate predicament
          I apologise if it seems petty, or low but It's my way of dealing with the events around me. I lost a darling friend, someone I didn't believe would leave, always present with a sweet greeting and a big smile. Her funeral will be tomorrow, but i doubt my mourning will finish on her burial. May she rest in peace, and her dreams and ambitions become her wings, to let her soar. Soar like hope and joy.
          R.I.P Dina, a beloved friend and loyal companion who passed away too soon.